Sunday, November 4, 2007

Air Quaility in Michigan

From the research i have done it looks like the air quality in Michigan has been getting cleaner, at least that's what the findings of the US EPA air quality monitors say. Here is some data from these reports:

Detroit Michigan 2005 NO2 AM (ppm)-0.020
Detroit Michigan 2006 NO2 AM (ppm)-0.016
Kent County 2005 NO2 AM (ppm)-0.015
Kent County 2006 NO2 AM (ppm)-0.014

Detroit Michigan 2005 O3 8-hr (ppm)-0.089
Detroit Michigan 2006 O3 8-hr (ppm)-0.078
Kent County 2005 O3 8-hr (ppm)-0.083
Kent County 2006 O3 8-hr (ppm)-0.082

As you can see the Amount of NO2 gas in both Kent county and Detroit Have deceased in the one year span. This means less ammonia in the air around these areas. Even those the Decrease in Ozone which is represented by the O3 has decreased it is still a good amount to protect us from the harmful radiation the sun emits. One possible reason for the good turn around for the air quality is the leaving of the auto makers in Detroit.

This post didn't come out the way i wanted it to

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