Sunday, November 4, 2007

12 Tips to helping the environment through fuel efficiency

Tips to helping the environment through fuel efficiency

1. Keeping an eye on your tire pressure will help lower your fuel costs, increase fuel efficiency by 3.3% and keep you safe on the road. Replace tires with the same make and model.
2. Keep your car well maintained
3. Get a smaller vehicle. Heavier vehicles tend to use more fuel.
4. Don’t drive like a fool. Speeding increases the amount of fuel that your car uses.
5. Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed and save fuel.
6. Keep your car washed and waxed to improve aerodynamics
7. Combine your errands when you are out running so your engine will be warm and use less gas.
8. Don’t leave your car running, it’s more fuel efficient to shut it off and then turn it back on.
9. Use the air-conditioning. Rolling your windows down causes the car to drag. Use a sun-shade to keep the car cool when you are not inside it so you won’t need to cool it down as much when you get back in. Roll windows down for a little while before you start up the A/C
10. Use the correct fuel not the cheaper fuel
11. Carpool. This is using less vehicles and less fuel in the atmosphere
12. Buy a more fuel efficient vehicle. Cars the use alternate fuels are more economically friendly. They use less fuel and emit fewer fumes into the atmosphere.

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